Friday, September 11, 2015

Emma Wardell. I chose this picture because you can see the space behind Aidan. You can tell that he is close and the clouds are far away.
This picture is perfect picture to display lines because of the strong contrast of the asphalt on the far left and right with the bright tie dye pink and blue. These lines direct your eyes across the image, reveling more of the photo as you look.
I used this picture for color because it shows many shades of browns, and greens. The picture has a very earthy tone, and the temperature seems relatively cool compared to many photos out there.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Evan Meheran Line

This picture represents the element of line because the lockers are separated by vertical lines which defines the rectangular shape of the locker. It also represents line because the little slits in the upper part of each locker are made of horizontal lines.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

This picture represents the element of lines because the object has a continuous pattern of lines going through it. The pattern is in the outline of the shape, and it moves the eye around to the rest of the object.

Jordan Sparks Space

I decided to use this as my photo because of the difference between the ligther shades and the darker shades. While there is the brighter side to life shown in the lighter side of this part of the memorial, the darker side represents the cost at what the happiness in the brighter side beholds.

Kayla McCoy Shape


Shape: I choose this picture for shape because of the shape the basketball hoop makes as well as the shapes inside the circle that the net makes.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

- I used the picture of the large building in Chicago for form because, you really get to see the 3 dimensional characteristics of the building. And the cubic makeup of the building. 

Favorite Photo

I chose this photo for space because the tunnel represents positive space and the light at the end of the tunnel represents negative space.  The colors also contrast well so it is easily shown where the space is.

Bishop Chilton texture

I chose this picture because I feel like it represents texture 100%. I think that because the dead leaves make you feel like you want to crush them under your feet and hear the crackling noise as done so. Or when you touch the hard road with your hand feeling the rocks and run down pavement.

Katelyn Paschal Elements of Art

 Texture- I chose the picture of the bark on the tree because you can see how the bark is flaking off and the main focus is the bark.

 Color- I picked the sunset picture I took for color because I like how the colors go from bright orange to a lighter one to a yellow. Also I like how the colors of the sunset are reflecting on to the water.
 Value- I picked the picture of Kristen because of the shadows and highlights through the picture.  Also the picture has good coloring through it.

Space- I picked my panoramic I took at Hoover Dam for space because you can basically see everything in this picture. This picture also has a sunset that is another main focus. But the main focus when I look at this picture is the side walk going from big to small. 
Form- In this picture there are many different shapes, the bricks go horizontally and the stones go vertically which I think clash well together. Also, there are many other shapes that go nicely in the photo.
Form- I chose this photograph due to the circles in the side of the ladder. I really adored the pop of color from the crimson ladder.

This represents color because the background (green) makes the yellow color of the flower stand out. There is also an orange-ish color on the flower that stands out.
This one was my favorite picture out of all of the ones I took. All of the shapes of the face stick out and really give the overall object character.

Shape by Xhoana N

This is value because it has light and dark tones to it. There is a relationship between the bricks and the cement.

Kaitlyn Handel : Value

     Value: This is a good example of value because of the lights and dark's in the image. It makes your eyes move about the picture with the shadows and the light on either side of the picture.

megan thompson texture

For texture I chose the gum wall outside because you can see the rough surface of the bricks. Also, you can see a bumpy surface from the gum.

jacob Ball texture

This picture depicts texture because you can almost "feel" the shiny gold watch glass and wrist part.

Gracey Day Space

Space- My picture represents space because it has one part in focus and the other parts blurred. When looking at it, one can see space beyond the chain link, both straight forward and through the holes in the fence.

Gracey Day

Dustin Weiss Texture

This is texture because this picture makes you want to touch it

Tanchevski Danny Value

This represents value because it has light and dark in the picture and transitions from light to dark.

Trey Henry Elements Color

I chose the flowers for my color picture because they have multiple representations or color such as green, yellow and brown. They are bright and vibrant so it displays color very well.

Friday, September 4, 2015

Elements of Art: Form

Form is any 3-dimentional object and this picture there is a geometric sphere. It is clearly defined by the surrounding light that reflects off the sphere.

Lauren Starkey- Elements of Art

Space- The camera is focused on the rocks in front of it but we are also able to see father in the distance of the surrounding area. The creek appears to be never ending.

Elements of Art: Space

My favorite picture I took was my picture that I took for space.
Space: I chose this picture for space because of the open doors and the open lanes that go through the two ope doors. How the picture was taken makes it like the hallway is never ending even though the is a wall that is hidden by the wall in between the two door ways.

elements of art COLOR picture

Color-The picture that I selected was the red and white OSU rock. The reason being is because the red on the rock pops out and becomes the main focus of the picture.

Duncan Toale Texture

Texture: This picture of the texture of a trash can outside the main doors. 
This makes you want to see what the texture of it feels like, thus fulfilling the definition of texture.

Shannon Healy: Elements of Art

Value- I thought this would be a good picture for value because of the large spot of sun shining through the trees and the darker shades where the tree was covering the sun.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Rachael Biro's Color from Elements of Art

The flowers that I found while I was in Ostia Antica, Italy, were of a very vibrant purple which stood out among the grass and green leaves. There is also a stark contrast of shades of purple on the petals, making this image a perfect contender for Color.