Friday, December 18, 2015

Kayla McCoy Double Exposure

This is my favortie picture from this project because I like the way the trees look like vains in her eye and I love the way the sunset brings color into the picture.

Double exposure

This is my favorite double exposure because it came out the best and was the easier one to make. I also like this one because the pictures before editing came out really good too.

Color Pop Amani Holloway

I like these two pictures because they have the most color out of the other photos I have taken. Plus it's very appealing to the eye as well.

Double Exposure Amani Holloway

I personally like this photo the best compared to my previous projects, simply because this has the most meaning behind it in my opinion. Also, I think this causes the most attraction to the eye, based off of the colors from the background and the form of my silhouette as well.

Shannon's Forced Perspective

I took this picture because its silly that Sam is stepping on Kayla. "Go art!!!"

This is a picture of me and in the background is a path in the middle of a forest. This picture looks like there is a pathway to my heart.

Chelsea Regner Double Exposure

This is my favorite double exposure picture. It is a really pretty picture of the sun in the back ground and my friend AJ is being a great model.

Color Pop Robbie Sithixay

I like how the color of the flower just pops out from the landscape/background. It's also place in the front which makes it easier to pop out.

Jordan Sparks Landscape

I like this photo because of how dark the trees are compared to the sunset in the night sky

color pop

i used this photo for my color pop because the heart was the only thing that stood out and i feel like the red helped it standout even more

Jordan Sparks Doble Exposure

I like this because it makes me think of the soldiers who have been killed and makes me thankful for all of those sacrifices

Double Exposure Robbie Sithixay

I like this double exposure because the tree in the landscape can somewhat represent as veins inside the body. This picture also brings out the shirt which is somewhat the same color as the original.

Danny Tanchevski Forced Perspective

This is my favorite picture from the forced perspective project. It is a picture of my friend Dustin with a picture of a painting off of a wall photo shopped onto his body.


i chose this photo because its of me and i look good in it

Shannon's Double Exposure

I chose a picture of Krew and a flower background because i like the way the flowers open up right under his eyes. I also like how the white of the flower stays in only the color of his eye and not the pupil. 

Double exposure

I really liked this double exposure I made because the background is different at all levels. In one level you have grass, in another level you have houses and trees and the other level is the sky.

Kaitlyn Handel, Double Exposure

I like this photo because you can see the buildings in my hair. I also thought the contrast looked cool.

Danny Tanchevski Double exposure

This is my favorite picture from my double exposure. This is a picture of my friend James with a creek with the background.

Gracey Day Double Exposure

This is my favorite double exposure project out of the two that I have done. I like it because I think it looks nice with branches crossing my friend's face from both directions. However, I also think it looks like a funeral picture or something.

Duncan Toale Double Exposures Picture

This is my favorite double exposure picture because I like the way it turned out. It looks really eerie and I like how the tree goes through the middle of the person.

Megan Thompson Double Exposure

This is my favorite picture because it is my niece and I like the way she is looking up. Also, I like it because of the clouds in the back which is a picture I took when I was on a plane going to Colorado.

Dustin Weiss Double Exposure

This is my favorite double exposure because the background is very cool and the tress line of with his face perfectly.

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Double Exposure by Bishop C

double exposure

I like this picture because the branches intertwine with her hair and sweatshirt. I also like the pop of light from the street light in the back that makes the sky look brighter than it is.


I like this picture because nicholas looks like the wizard of oz
This photo was my favorite because I really like the color difference of the black and white and the colorful tree. I think these two photos are very different and create a great contrast.

Double Exposure-Lauren Starkey

I chose to put these to pictures together because, the landscape shows a very straight and narrow road and the portrait is in a similar shape. Having the lines of the road go down the center of the image made the most sense since lines go straight down the road.

Lauryn Knapps double exposure

This one is my favorite, because by the look on his face he obviously would rather be at the playground

Taylor Burns double

I picked my friend for this landscape because I it reminded me of his personality. The hard part about editing this photo is the space between his arms.

Nicholas C. Bosca Double Exposure

The most bland background gives  a good focus on the portrait and pillars inside the portrait outlines.

Aidan McNulty Double Exposure

This is my favorite double exposure photo because i like the way the leaves and trees look with Michael in the portrait.  They fit the theme because he is wearing a beanie and jacket for the cold weather in fall.

Double exposure Will Varney

This is my favorite because Claire is rad and so are the trees and church in the background.Go art!

Katelyn Paschal

I like this photo that I took for my double exposure because it's only really focusing on the eyes and brows. I also like how the whole thing is black and white and there is no color pop.

Jake Boltz double exposure

This is my double exposure. I like this one the best because of the picture of me first of all. Then i think that golf and the city goes together well.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

This was my favorite double exposure picture. It was my friend Remi before a soccer game and she was excited so I thought a fountain could represent that in her.


 I like this picture because i think the background blends really well into my body. Also because i put my body upside down.

Double exposure

I like this double exposure because of the organic composure. I also like it because he's looking up at the trees and the trees are looking down at him. Its pretty cool.

Rachael Biro's Double Exposure

I like how this photo resolved because with how she was posed, I was trying to get the concept captured that she is daydreaming and the landscape is what she is daydreaming about. I also like how the far hand is lining up with the rock debris from the falls, sort of continuing that false horizon line.

Rowan Swartz Double Exposure

I like this double exposure the most because I think this one looks the best between the two. I struggled more on the first one so this one turned out better than my first one. There isn't really a connection between the portrait and the landscape, but they look cool together.

Double exposure

This picture of my friend fits perfectly with the background. She has a bright smile and it is illuminated by the sun.

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Chelsea Regner Landscape

This is my favorite landscape, the industrial landscape. I just like the bright color of the building as well as the architecture of it. I think its really pretty. I also like the road that runs forever along side the building.

Robbie Sithixay Landscape

I choose this landscape because the black and white has that old style feeling to it. I also choose this because I like the angle of where it was taken from.

Danny Tanchevski's Color Pop

This is my favorite picture from the color pop project. I liked this one the best because it is a shirt and the colors really pop.

Dustin Weiss Color Pop

This is my favorite color pop picture because it very simple but effective. The only part that is in color is the tongue which really draws your eye.

Danny Tanchevski's Landscape

This is my favorite picture from my landscape project. This was taken at creek side off of a bridge.

Dustin Weiss Landscape

This is my favorite landscape picture. The rule of thirds make the picture look balanced and draws my eyes to the rock.

Friday, December 4, 2015

I like this picture becuase it looks nice with the wate and the hill in the back. i also like the ble in the sky

Jake Boltz Landscape

This is my favorite Landscape picture because, First off this is one of my favorite places to be. Also the colors are natural.

Katelyn Paschal-Landscape Photography

Landscape Photography

I like this one of the sunset because i like how i just focused on the sky and the sunset and everything else is blacked out. i also liked the colors of the sunset this night. 

i like this one of street photography in motion because i like how it was at Easton and i like the lighting i has. Also i like how the perspective is from the cross walk.